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Club Spotlight: Health and Science Club

Isabella Aguirre

February 22, 2024


As the world gains more insight and advances in medicine and science every day, the Health and Science Club at Seaside High School is making sure everyone knows the opportunities that are out there for them. They allow students to take a peek into what a profession in the medical field could look like while encouraging chances for student collaboration. 


As medical careers are spiking interest in many students at Seaside High School, the Health and Science Club would be a great chance for them to learn more about what their future could entail. Patricia Cavero is a junior here at SHS and wants to become a nurse after high school. She is also a member of the Health and Science Club and said, “Since I want to be in the medical field, this club helps me to receive more information about what I want to pursue.” In the club, they discuss a variety of topics such as potential career paths, the kinds of medical equipment used by professionals, and creative fundraising concepts. These are only a few of the discussions they cover but they’re always learning something new at every meeting.  
















Aisha Martinez is in 11th grade and is the new president of the Health and Science Club. She mentioned she has always been interested in a health pathway, “Since I was younger I knew I wanted to be in the medical field and as I got into high school I saw that there was a Health and Science Club and it was organized by an upperclassman, so that influenced me to continue the club,” she added. Martinez has shown leadership in fulfilling her role of president but she doesn’t do it alone; she has help from the club’s Vice President, Communications Officer, and Secretary. They have separate meetings for themselves to be prepared for the members in the club, they plan ahead and talk about what others might want to see implemented in the club. The secretary of the Health and Science club is Alina Martinez and she started to get interested in the club because she wanted to gain more knowledge and experience about the medical field, “Something that got me interested in health and science was wanting a chance to go to the hospital and witness what they do, not just looking but also putting myself in their shoes especially since I do plan on working in the medical field.” she added.  If you are unsure of what exactly you want to become later in life the Health and Science Club can open you up to the possibilities out there. 















Overall, the Health and Science Club is a welcoming space where students can learn more about their potential futures or even just socialize with people who have common interests. “If you know you want to be in the medical field or are still indecisive this club is a perfect way to figure that out,” said Aisha Martinez after being asked why someone should consider joining the club. The Health and Science Club meets every Thursday in J-33. You can also visit their booth at club fairs at the start of the school year if you're interested in joining!

 Image from Zonka Website

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