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Teacher of the Month: Ruth Hurtado

Anthony Perez 

October 23, 2023


One teacher on this beautiful campus is highlighted as Teacher of the Month. They teach important knowledge to you, such as how to write more effectively and talk with greater grammar.  Teachers go above and beyond for their students, making them more than just educators. For instance, they put in extra time outside of work hours to provide their students a sense of support. Certain educators attend athletic events, theatrical shows, and extracurricular activities because they recognize that students have other responsibilities, such as taking care of their siblings or working.













The teacher highlighted this month is Ruth Hurtado a second-year teacher who teaches Spanish 1 and 2. Hurtado was born in San Diego and raised in Murrieta. She went to college at California State University, Monterey Bay where she received her Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Language and Hispanic Culture and Alder Graduate School of Education a Masters Degree in Education. Hurtado at first wanted to be a vet at the age of 6 but 2 years after her grandparents came from Mexico she had a book about phonetics and how to pronounce 3 letter words and she would sit with her grandma and teach her how to speak English and that's when she knew she wanted to be a teacher. “I was pretty young and now that I’m a teacher im like wow! I can’t believe it Like now I am a teacher and I worked hard to get where I am,” she said. She wanted to be a teacher wanted to be a Spanish teacher because she was inspired by her AP Spanish teacher during her sophomore year of high school.  Her name was Mrs. Romo and she said, “I would see how passionate she was about teaching Spanish and I became her TA junior and senior year, and the more I sat in her class I knew that’s what I wanted to do and now here we are!” She talked to her at the beginning of last school year and Mrs. Romo cried because she knew her as a student and she couldn’t believe that she was now an educator.  Hurtado mentioned that Mrs. Romo gave her some advice that has stuck with her throughout her teaching career, Mrs. Romo said, “Build a relationship with your students first, then the academics will follow.” Hurtado put Mrs Romo’s advice to use on her first year of teaching by building relationships with the students so there is a high engagement level in her classroom.  After speaking with some of her fromer students this is what some had to say to her:  Jasibe Ortiz a former student said the following, “She makes sure that everybody learns and she makes sure that she builds a relationship with with every student.” Anayah McBride stated, “She helped me on the stuff I didn’t understand she explained the work better and took the time to help people that needed extra help.” This shows  that she goes above and beyond and puts effort into building relationships with her students.

Aside from teaching she still goes back to work with the students that attend Community Partnership for Youth (CPY) at Ord Terrace Elementary. 


When Hurtado is not at work, she enjoys driving around the coast listening to music, in particular Maluma, who is her favorite artist. Another thing that she enjoys doing is taking nap because after a long day because everyones needs a nap after a long day! She also likes to be outdoors and hangout with friends because she is a very joyful person and good person to be around. She also likes to go to the Monterey Bay FC games on her free time!

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